Monetize what matters
Grow Recurring Revenue.
Streamline Operations.
Reduce Risk.
Unlock the full potential of your software business with flexible monetization models, actionable insights, and tools to boost efficiency and strengthen compliance.
Enabling the broadest range of software monetization models for SaaS, Intelligent Devices, and On-premises applications.
Die erforderliche Technologie, um Produkte schnell auf den Markt zu bringen, den Wert Ihres geistigen Eigentums zu nutzen und das Umsatzwachstum zu beschleunigen – von Edge-Geräten bis zur Cloud.
Entdecken Sie, wie wir Ihnen beim Schutz Ihrer Anwendungen, beim Compliancemanagement, beim Verständnis der Kundenanforderungen und bei der Steigerung wiederkehrender Umsätze helfen können.
Software Composition Analysis
Verwalten Sie die Open-Source-Lizenzcompliance und Sicherheit mit einer End-to-End-Plattform für Software Composition Analysis.
InstallShield und InstallAnywhere
Erfahren Sie, warum bereits mehr als 80.000 unabhängige Softwarehersteller und Unternehmenskunden unsere Installationslösungen verwenden.
Entitlement Management vs. Identity and Access Management
Discover how purpose-built entitlement management and Identity and Access Management (IAM) can work together to reduce costs and drive organizational efficiency by reconciling data into a single source of truth.
When it comes to monetization, our main concern is to ensure we’re appropriately compensated for the volume of product usage. Revenera enables our capacity-based subscription model, and we continue to see double-digit annual revenue growth for all products protected by Revenera.
Pam Vance Managing Director of Portfolio Construction Products, SimCorp
Best Practices
Best Practices for Case Management Using Compliance Analytics
Maximize your investment in compliance analytics with advanced case management that gives you real-time visibility into the status of individual cases as well as overall program performance.
Making Software Pirates Pay An Ecommerce Conversion Playbook
Vendors use software intelligence to understand who is using unlicensed versions of their software so they can develop data-driven strategies to identify and convert unpaid users.
How Usage Analytics Drives Better Customer Engagement
Gain in-depth insight to engage users with relevance throughout the customer journey
White Paper
A Layered Approach to License Compliance
White Paper
Wenn Sie Ihre aktuellen Verfahren um Softwareinformationen erweitern, trägt das dazu bei, überraschend viele zahlungssäumige Benutzer in zahlende Kunden zu verwandeln.
Take the Guesswork Out of Product Management
So entwickeln Sie bessere Anwendungen mit einer datenbasierten Roadmap, die von Softwarenutzungsanalysen profitiert.
Build or Buy: Why Intelligent Device Manufacturers should Leverage a Purpose-built Software Monetization Solution
Read this eBook to find out what a purpose-built Software Monetization solution can bring to the table and how it can help you capitalizing on the Internet of Things now.
Take your business to the next level with Revenera
Installation solutions, Software Composition Analysis and Software Monetization—we help you drive more revenue from your software solutions, protect your IP and deliver an excellent customer experience.